
Alantra, launched as N+1 and rebranded in 2016, was founded by 45 professionals in 2001 whose vision was to create a strategic financial services firm devoted to the mid-market segment. The founding partners wanted to offer companies operating in that market the same high-quality services that blue-chip companies traditionally enjoy.

“We the partners have created N+1 (now Alantra) because we believe in the viability of and need for an independent platform in the Spanish capital markets scene”

N+1 structured itself as a partnership, so its professionals were its owners from the outset. And that meant that N+1’s professionals would always strive to build long-lasting relationships with their clients and protect their and the firm’s reputation by striving for the best results while acting with a strong sense of duty. “We the partners have created N+1 because we believe in the viability of and need for an independent platform in the Spanish capital markets scene.” Corporate Thoughts (2002).

N+1’s business model was based solely on the knowledge, work, and talent of its professionals. The partnership model fostered a spirit of entrepreneurialism where, in a bureaucracy-free environment, professionals in leadership had the autonomy to develop their businesses and, therefore, ultimate responsibility for their decisions.

Since 2001 we’ve reaped the benefits of this trusting, independent approach: we attract the brightest minds in banking who are not only excellent at what they do today but are visionaries who are keen to evolve their businesses tomorrow. The group’s equity means we’ve maintained our independence and continually invested in our growth; we have no financial debt; and, we’ve evolved our business through acquisitions and product and sector expansions. Finally, we’ve proven that success comes from long-lasting client relationships framed by honesty, independent judgement and a long-term vision.